A one-stop shop for career development and job search

We help companies, Business schools, universities, and outplacement firms offer a digital career development experience to their employees, students, alumni, and clients.

Curious about how we do it?

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Implement your own digital experience


The platform allows organizations to offer all their career development & transition resources in one place.


Organizations can make sure their coaches (internal or externals) are following the same approach.


Journeys can be customized to the specific needs of each coach and coachee.

Make job search simple...

They are fed up with managing dozen of files and an excel sheet for your contacts? We make life easier for your users:

  • Our CV tool will generate a CV with all the information they agve to  in the platform
  • Our Networking CRM will alleviate the administrative chores related to their campaign
  • Our visual Job applications will help them monitor and prepare for their interviews

... exhaustive ...

We offer an exhaustive toolkit for career transitions and development. Our standard process helps users think about their needs and project (tests, career realizations, etc.), elaborate their go-to-market strategy (targets pitch, CVs, etc.), and then manage their campaign.
In addition, we host all your content (articles, videos, etc.).
You didn’t find the tools in our tool kit, we can implement them for you.

... and human!

Career transition is not only about introspection, sending CVs, and having interviews. We both help users manage their emotions and their level of energy.
We also facilitate their relationship with their coach by making sure he/she can track their progress, comment on their answer, and message them.
Your organization do not have coaches (external or internal)? There is enough automation for your users to use the platform on their own.

Why us?

Your own ecosystem

Create your own experience centralizing all your tools, content and coachs in one place. We can also connect to other tools by API.

Data protection

We are RGPD compliant and have a strict policy protecting user data. We do not share personal information with anyone.
We have strong password policies.

Your brand design

You can customize the platform to reflect your brand logo, color, and fonts.

Your control tower

You can have a central repository to follow your cohorts' progress: Number of meetings, progress,...

Curious about how we can help you offer the best career development possible?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We are curious to know more about your organization and the challenges you are facing.
We will be happy to share with you our experience and knowledge as well as showing you the platform.

Contact us